Terms of Service - LikesBOOM

The use of services provided by LikesBOOM.com establishes agreement to these terms. By registering or using our digital marketing services you agree that you have read and fully understood the following Terms of Service and LikesBOOM.com will not be held liable for loss in any way for people who have not read the below TOS.

1. General

By placing an order with LikesBOOM.com you automatically accept all the below listed terms of services whether you read them or not. We reserve the right to revise these T.O.S. without notice. You are expected to understand all terms of service before placing any order to ensure you are up-to-date with any current or future changes.

You will only use the LikesBOOM.com website in a manner which follows all agreements made with all social media platforms on their individual Terms of Service page.

LikesBOOM.com rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The payment, refill and refund policy stays in effect in the case of price changes.

Disclaimer: LikesBOOM.com will not be responsible for any damages you or your business may suffer.

Liabilities: LikesBOOM.com is in no way liable for any account suspension or anything else done by LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or any other social media website.

2. Service

LikesBOOM.com will only be used to promote your website and social media accounts and help boost your online presence and search engine rankings.

We DO NOT guarantee your new followers will engage or interact with your accounts, we simply assure you to get the marketing services you pay for.

You will not upload anything into the LikesBOOM.com site including nudity, arms or any material that is not accepted or suitable for the online and social media community.

3. Payment/Refund Policy

You agree that once you complete a payment, you will not file a dispute or a chargeback against our company for any reason. No refunds will be made to your payment method. After a deposit has been completed, there is no way to reverse it. You must use your balance on orders from LikesBOOM.

If you file a dispute or chargeback against LikesBOOM after a payment, we reserve the right to suspend all current and future orders, and block you from our site. We also reserve the right to take away any services delivered to you or your clients account.

Scams such as using unauthorized or stolen credit cards or any other fraudulent activity, will lead to the immediate termination of your account without exceptions.

REFUND GUARANTEE - Is obvious that your payment should be refunded if an expected service cannot be delivered. In this case please contact our support team to provide you a refund of the order to your account's balance.

Buyers Attention!

⚡ Before ordering, make sure your profile or post is public. Remove all privacy from your account. Your account must be public otherwise it will not work;

⚡ After buying from LikesBOOM.com, you agree that you will not hit any dispute;

⚡ No refund after completion of service;

⚡ No refund for undelivered orders with 180 days old;

⚡ All the issues may be solved by our 24/7 live chat support. You can contact us anytime 24/7.