The Benefits of Facebook Marketing for Beginners
One of the ways a business owner can appreciate the importance of Facebook marketing for a brand is by understanding the unique advantages it offers to those who seek out its potential.
What’s especially ideal about Facebook is that it offers a lot of unique functions that businesses might not be able to access anywhere else, making it a truly unique platform that no other can replace.
It Lets You Connect
Before business owners could make the connection between their business and Facebook, they mostly thought that having an operational website was the pinnacle of online marketing success. As the years rolled on and marketing strategies developed, however, it became clear that run-of-the-mill websites wouldn’t be able to provide one crucial factor that was unique to Facebook - direct communication with prospects and patrons.
Perhaps the closest equivalent any website could offer to match the instant messaging function that Facebook offers is the Contact Page. Even then, inquirers would have to go through the tedious process of filling out their information and waiting for a response. Chatbots - which are generally seen as inefficient and unreliable pop-up nuances - were also a failed attempt at mimicking Facebook’s instant messenger.
True enough Facebook’s original purpose as a social media platform puts it a cut above any other media a marketer might be able to use in this modern day and age. The fact that the website was designed for instant communication - a feature that rings well with consumers who want fast, easy, and convenient purchases - makes it the avenue of choice for most buyers.
Of the 70 million businesses on Facebook however, only 20 million actively use the messaging feature. Fortunately for this small fraction, their efforts pay off, garnering them a more positive online reputation and increased ROI compared to their non-messenger available competition.
It’s (Mostly) Free
Despite offering companies the opportunity to connect with 2 billion people the world over, Facebook for business remains - for the most part - free. It’s free to make your own business Page, free to post, and free to communicate with your prospects. Of course, if you want some of the added features like ad placements and in-depth analytics, you might have to pay a fee. But even then, most business features remain cost-free, making it a great advertising and marketing platform for businesses that don’t have a lot to spend.
For this reason, Facebook marketing makes a great tool for small to medium-sized enterprises that want to reap the benefits of a full-on marketing strategy without having to shell out too much up front. As their business grows and their audience builds on the platform, they have the option to allocate a portion of their sales to pay for advertisements and other features.
It Helps Establish a Brand Personality
Your brand personality will essentially dictate the kind of consumers you reel in. Edgy, high-end brands that market their products and services as ‘premium’ quality will draw in high paying consumers. Those that aim for a more budget-friendly business aura will likely attract budget-conscious consumers. So, in a lot of ways, the personality of your brand might have an impact on the prices of your goods and services. Through Facebook, it becomes easier to establish a personality because you can communicate directly with buyers.
It Lets You Repair Damage
When a consumer runs into a bad experience with a brand, their first instinct is to leave a bad review. Knowing full well how important positive reviews are for a business, these disgruntled buyers will often pour out their soul in the attempt to deal damage to a company that they feel might have wronged them. While some business owners might think a bad review won’t do much harm, it pays to mention that 82% of prospective consumers specifically seek out negative reviews before deciding to push through with a purchase.
The truth of the matter is that business ownership comes hand in hand with potentially disappointing a small fraction of consumers. You really can’t please everyone. But it’s possible to bounce back from negative reviews if you have the right platform to address them.
Facebook allows business owners to engage with consumers in a venue that’s accessible to everyone. So, if anyone leaves a negative review, you have the option to respond directly so that others can see how you handle such situations. In some cases, businesses might offer a refund, others might ask to take the matter to a private forum in order to provide a more appropriate response.
No matter what you choose to do your Facebook audience will ultimately feel more comfortable transacting with you despite the negative review. Showing that you care means a lot to your buyers, and Facebook opens the opportunity for that even if in the form of a bad review or two.
It’s Easy to Share
From photos, to snippets of information, to events and everything in between, a Facebook Page lets you share an unlimited amount of information with your eager audience. The platform prides itself on the versatility of its content, condensing everything that all other social media platforms do in one, media juggernaut.
Sharing on Facebook doesn’t only extend your reach, but also makes it easier to keep your followers updated on your brand’s latest offers, updates, and news. In fact, according to statistics, most of those who like pages for businesses on Facebook claim to do so because they want to stay updated on that specific brand’s promotions.
In the same light, Facebook lets you share original, consumer-generated content. By sharing your followers’ relevant posts on your page, you empower them to publish more about your brand. This fuels your positive reputation, making it easier for others to believe that you’re a reliable and reputable brand.