Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

100% safe, as safe as it can get! We have only used safe social media marketing methods since 2012. We'll be manually promoting your page just as if you were doing it yourself daily. Any mentions or increases in fans and reach will be organically achieved through our marketing efforts.

Our standard services are worldwide traffic, likes and followers. The audience comes from real accounts/people, from worldwide on a random basis (USA, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, etc). This means a global audience. You may receive traffic from various countries. We try to advertise you or your website/social media accounts to an English speaking audience, but ultimately, we cannot guarantee what kind of people want to follow, like or visit your page with this worldwide audience.

We don't offer support for targeted fans to specific cities or from other countries at this time, though we hope to release something like this in the future.

Yeah, 100% real accounts. We provide all our social media marketing services only from real accounts and do not use fake accounts.

It's impossible using our services. We follow all the social media rules, so you can relax.

Usually no. Most of our services use the "drip-fed" method. Your new likes will not appear at once, they will look very natural.

Our campaigns are "drip-fed"; our social media services take some time, and your new following will not appear at once. Our smaller packages take between 1 and 24 hours to complete, and our larger campaigns can take 2-12 days depending on the size of the campaign. These campaigns look very natural.

We don't recommend it. For example, if you buy Facebook page followers, we track our progress by your start count of followers in the moment of your purchase, and if another campaign of yours is increasing your followers simultaneously, it will count towards the service we've done for your account.

However, we do over-deliver on all of our orders to account for any organic likes you've received on your page during our campaign. Since we're manually promoting your social media accounts, we do not have software to track exactly how many likes we've sent to your page; this type of software is only present with fake likes/bots, as all of the accounts would be in a single person's control, making it much easier to track and differentiate. We are not responsible for replacing likes that weren't built by us as a result of a conflicting third-party campaign. It's for this reason we recommend pausing your other campaigns before placing an order with us.

Our service is run by humans; please give us a couple of hours to kick off your order, as we do have an order queue, and all pages are manually promoted. We will do our best to complete your order within the estimated delivery time on our website. If you feel it's been longer than a few days before you've seen movement, or if we've exceeded our estimated delivery date, please give us a shout through our contact page, and we'll give you a status update.

You can check on each service page and you'll see in the description the estimated start time and the delivery time. Usually the orders start in 1 to 24h.

If after the estimated delivery time you continue without receiving your service, please contact us and we will refund your payment. You don't need to open disputes, just contact our 24/7 live chat support and we will refund your payment!

Yes, we stand by our work with a lifetime refill guarantee on ALL our services - if any of our likes or followers disappear, we will restore them, free of charge (this happens with less than 5% of our orders). We over-deliver on all of our packages to counter any natural drop-off. But if you face drops on your order, we guarantee you will get a refill. You only need to fill our refill request form.

Yes! You may also run multiple campaigns simultaneously (even of the same package), should you choose to do so.

We don't require any password or access to your social media accounts. All of our likes and followers are built with no admin access necessary.

In your dashboard.

Why is my Facebook follower count not showing? Check here how to enable Facebook followers count on your timeline.

Follow the easy steps to find the Link via the Browser (Desktop) or Facebook app (Mobile), here.

How to find the link to a specific comment on YouTube? Check here the easy steps to get the correct YouTube Comment Link.

How to find the link to a specific Facebook comment? Check here the easy steps to find the correct Facebook Comment URL/Link.

Check here the easy steps to find the correct Instagram Comment URL/Link.

This post teaches you to make your Facebook posts public so anyone can see them. These steps will work for both the mobile apps and the website.

Check here how to disable flag for review on Instagram.

If you have any questions that aren't addressed in this FAQ page then please check the homepage or please feel free to contact us anytime!