The Secrets That 99% Don’t Know About Hashtags on Instagram
This post is on hashtags and the best ways to use them on Instagram. Actually, these tips are not known by a lot of people so you can gain a huge advantage by using these. Sssssh...
Tip #1
Is one that a lot of people don’t know, and it involves not placing your hashtags inside your caption. Instead, you should put your hashtags as your first comment. Instagram still sees and recognizes your hashtags as if they were inside your caption. It also prevents your caption from looking ugly when people are reading it.
Tip #2
Helps with growth, and to do this, you should use at least eleven hashtags each time you post something. It just so happens, the more hashtags you use, the more feeds your post goes to. It makes little sense not to use as many hashtags as possible when you are trying to grow the number of Instagram followers. However, these should all be relevant to your topic or niche area/s.
Tip #3
Is the follow-on of tip two. When you use all these hashtags, don’t keep using the same ones. Vary their usage, and your posts will spread and go to a more vast number of feeds, rather than the same feeds over and over again.
Pay attention to hashtags which are trending, because if you can catch this at the right time and you post a bunch of pictures onto it, you can see a surge of people coming to your profile. Here you can potentially gain quite a few followers from this influx of visitors. Even if they don’t follow they might comment or like your pictures. This tip is a must-know due to its potential.
Tip #4
Is pretty simple and can increase the numbers of potential followers by three. Merely posting three times per day, rather than once, means that you have three times the opportunity of attracting followers. This should be once in the morning, once at lunchtime, and once after five p.m. If you post more than this, people start thinking you’re overposting onto the Instagram platform.
Tip #5
Is to use hashtags which people are scrolling through, a good example being girls who are searching for makeup ideas. They will use hashtags related to hair, nails, eyes, and other makeup related things. These are more beneficial than hashtags which contain cute, lol, or anything else you might think is appropriate, because they target more-specifically to your audience.
Three Types of Instagram Shoutouts and Their Immense Power
These shoutouts happen all the time on Instagram, so it shows they come with some power behind them. There are three types of shoutouts that you should know about, and these are as follows:
Timed Instagram Shoutouts
This can be the best for many people who perform a shoutout as they know they can delete it after a set amount of time. They agree to post your picture for maybe four, eight, twelve, or even twenty-four hours. And after this, they delete it without their profile being clogged up with followers who they don’t wish to have following them.
Permanent Posts
These are where a post remains there... forever. Companies will pay for these posts to stay there, so they always know that they have a link to a popular page and their product will always be seen. This can be an excellent way to make money, or can be expensive if you follow in this way. Depending on who you ask to create a permanent post, it can cost upward of one thousand dollars.
An Instagram Story Shoutout
This type of shoutout is where you are shouted out in the story, and this will be deleted after twenty-four hours, regardless. The problem with this one is; it doesn’t go into the feeds, so not everyone gets to see it.
With these three options, you can see that paid options can be the most common; there is also a variation on this which is known as a trade shoutout. No money would change hands, but if you searched for a person who was at a similar level and agreed to make a shoutout for each other, it could be a much cheaper way to achieve these timed shoutouts. This can help a lot as you never know how many followers you will gain from performing a shoutout, or in having one done for you. It takes little effort, apart from making contact with someone who is at a similar level.
One method which is worth trying is when you reach a certain milestone, and this could be another five hundred followers, a thousand followers, or any number you choose. Contact all of your main followers and tell them if they do a shoutout, you’ll shoutout for them in your Instagram story, too. Make sure you always follow through if you have promised this.
With this method, you should give warning to all of your followers you’ll be doing shoutouts all day long. This warning gives them a chance to decide whether to watch your story, or choose not to, and this helps make sure you don’t lose followers. Some may wonder what is happening with all the shoutouts that you’re making. If you tell them in advance then you’ll gain respect.
When all this works together, you might get a couple of hundred who will agree to shoutout on your behalf. From these extra hundred or so, there will be so much additional traffic visiting your page during that time. On the other person’s end, they are only mentioning you, so effort on their side is minimal.
All of this brings traffic, likes, and most of all brand awareness, even if you don’t get followers as a result. It is crucial to only do it once you hit the milestone number of followers you have set. If you begin doing it all the time, you will see yourself losing followers.
Genius Instagram Hacks
These hacks and tips are not common knowledge, and although they might not be used that much, they are very helpful in gaining Instagram likes and followers.
Number one is straightforward, and if you’re jumping around liking pictures and leaving comments, you can do this much faster on a computer and using a web browser. All you need to do is (on Chrome) log into your Instagram and then like and comment from there, compared to your phone which is twice as slow in doing the same task.
Number two involves not liking a comment from someone until you make your next post. If you have twenty comments from your previous picture, you now respond, and you become entered into their feed twice.
Yes, once for your new post, and once for your like of their comment. This makes them step back and visit your profile to see what you were responding to. This can bring a massive amount of page interaction, so it's well-worth trying it.
This next one is pretty similar to an Instagram group, it does, however, involve creating a Facebook group with you and your friends. When you like each other’s photos, it brings with it faster growth as you’re always guaranteed a specific number of likes. If you are on your PC and are on Facebook, you copy and paste the Instagram link into your group’s post.
This next tip is how social media marketing companies promote people who pay for their services. Now you need to create a backup profile which supports your main page. From here, you can test pictures before you post them on your main page, as an aside, it doubles your exposure.
Another great tip is to do something cool each day on your Instagram story. It can be a quick video post which people will relate to and want to watch. These can be a series of things, so each day is on the same theme. I have seen people do facts of the day or even words of the day, as examples. By doing this, viewers know they are gaining something rather than it all being about you. All this is geared to giving a person the reason to continue on, and easily want to venture further into your page and check out your other images.
Another tip is liking every comment against a picture you are in. This could be fifty or so comments, and each time you like these comments (spread over the day), it inserts you into the feeds of the people who commented. A good deal of them will wonder who has liked their comments and then click to go to your page to check and see.